Astrology transit calculator
Astrology transit calculator

astrology transit calculator

Straight after our Pluto Square, we generally slide into a Neptune Square transit.

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We can never second guess what will happen in these transits, but they are certainly a time for us to really lean into our grounding practices, whether that is yoga and meditation or something else that keeps us steady in times of change. But the overall message for a Pluto transit is surrender and impermanence and a huge trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should for you. The transits affect everyone differently. It’s a huge time of surrender, trust, and an opportunity to recognise any changes that are happening on your life journey, making a room for something else to land. Things that we felt were solid ground may fall away if necessary. This placement often can mean a lot of unexpected change. By our late 30s it makes a square of the right angle to the ‘natal’ placement of where Pluto was when we were born. The planet Pluto is about depth and transformation. The Pluto Square and Neptune Square Transits

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Some of these changes and life lessons generally come when we reach our late 30’s and early 40’s, although the age of when the transits occur can differ slightly for different generations. However, l ife with its twists and turns has way more lessons and surprises in store for us to aid with our expanding growth and awareness of our true self. In our early thirties, post the lessons of Saturn Return, we really feel like we’ve figured some things out and are on a solid path. Transits are always happening but some last longer and can have a bigger impact on our life, in particular, outer planets like Neptune and Pluto. As the planets are always moving, when a planet in motion meets one of the natal positions of the planets when we were born, it creates a ‘transit’. We each have a unique birth chart that has the specific placement of planets at the time we were born and imprinted with their energy.

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These topics seem to have got the majority of astrology mainstream air time but there are several other life transits that can be helpful to be aware of. Typically this is a time when the universe is bringing the teachings of Saturn into our life with full force and tapping us on the shoulder to see if we are following our inner authority rather than the path societal conditioning may have us following. More than ever people are also starting to become aware of major life ‘transits’ such as the Saturn Return transit which generally happens around the age of 28-31. Most people now know when Mercury is in Retrograde or what astrology sign the full moon is in. Like many spiritual sciences, astrology has become hugely popular in recent years.

Astrology transit calculator